Looking To Make A Difference? 3 Reasons Why Donating To Veteran Organizations Is The Way To Go!

Bernadette Davis
3 min readNov 3, 2020

Military veterans are a unique class of people that have been given numerous benefit programs over the years. You might think that by now they’re compensated, but until you’ve been in a war-torn community with only your gun and your instincts with you — you won’t understand.

Veterans are the real reason there is peace in America.

When the war was raging, and Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in World War II, these brave men and women donned uniforms and arms to keep America safe! So why shouldn’t we support veterans?

Photo by Isabella and Louisa Fischer on Unsplash

Today, there are numerous ways in which you can donate or volunteer your time in aid of veterans that have experienced first-hand the life-altering consequences of the war.

Some of these men and women have mental issues, missing limbs, and may have lost everything they hold dear to the war.

You probably think that veterans from a 75-year-old war might be dead now, but approximately 300,000 of them are still alive in 2020!

More notably, the Global War on Terror that ensued in 2001 with the bombing of the World Trade Center has produced approximately 2.7 million veterans! So, there is no excuse as to why you shouldn’t seek to thank them for their valiant efforts.

Photo by Külli Kittus on Unsplash

The following 3 reasons show how donating to veteran organizations makes a difference:

It lets them know that somebody cares

Many veterans returned home and barely got any recognition for the work that they did on the battlefield. Nobody knows their names, and they are often not in a position to work and find other forms of self-sustainment. Your donation and other forms of support will help them feel like there is someone who is always thinking of them!

It celebrates their accomplishments

Donating to organizations that serve these veterans helps them get the celebration and acknowledgment they deserve. After all, they risked their lives in battle and survived. So why shouldn’t their survival be rewarded with extended celebration?

It helps them deal with trauma

A lot of trauma is caused by war. Many veterans have nightmares because they suffer from PTSD and other forms of mental illness. Donating to a veteran organization will help them get the treatment they need.

Finding the right organization is a decision that you can make based on the veteran needs the organization meets. If you reside in Houston, Beck & Masten Buick GMC North & South can help you make your decision. They recently donated a large sum of money to an organization that serves veterans of The Global War on Terror — and you can join them and show your recognition to truly some of America’s best!



Bernadette Davis

I like writing about power, law, and money, culture, relationships and everything in between.